As you know, our parish has been involved in discussions with Our Lady of Providence and St. Michael the Archangel Parishes in order to develop a collaborative approach to providing Catholic education in our parishes. You might also recall that this committee was formed over two years ago when several pastors began these discussions.
As noted when the results of the second Educational survey were presented at the end of February 88% of our parish respondents were in favor of collaboration in general and nearly 81% were in favor of restructuring our schools. Our Lady of Providence and St. Michael's experienced similar support in the survey. As a result, our parishes expanded our committee to include several parishioners from each parish to look at education, finances, and marketing in order to develop a collaborative school model.
We are pleased to announce that the initial phase of this work has been completed and we would like to present this model to our parish in a Parish meeting on Tuesday, May 31th (new date). This meeting will take place in church beginning at 7:00 pm The purpose of this meeting is first, to present the system that has been developed and secondly, to solicit your feedback, and finally to know of your hopes.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Bob Evans
Click here to View Parish Meeting Agenda or to View the Collaborative School System Summary