PSR Registration

The PSR year will be Wednesday, September 3, 2025 – Wednesday, May 13, 2026. Meeting times are 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm for Grades 1 – 8. 


Early bird pricing (below) is now through July 20, 2025 (there will be a $50 increase in the listed tuition rates on July 21, 2025):

1 child tuition: $225
2 child tuition: $325
3 child tuition: $400

Fees per Grade Level are due at the time of registration, in addition to tuition:

2nd Gr. Sacramental Material Fee: $40
3rd Gr. Bible Material Fee: $40
6th Gr. Bible Material Fee: $40
8th Gr. Sacramental Material Fee: $60

Private School Confirmation Preparation Registration Fee: $100

Online registration, tuition and all fees are due by July 20, 2025. All required forms are due prior to the first day of class.

REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE AND STUDENT(S) WILL NOT BE ENROLLED UNTIL FULL PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE AND ALL REQUIRED FORMS ARE SUBMITTED. Required forms may include baptism certificate (if student is new or in first grade) and custody arrangement documentation for approved pick up persons, if applicable.

  • If your home parish is not Annunciation or Our Lady of Providence, we will let your home parish know that your child(ren) are attending Annunciation PSR.


  • For students entering grade 1 or new students:

    A copy of your baptism certificate must be requested from the parish the child was baptized and turned into rectory.


  • For new students only

  • For all students


  • For students entering grade 1 or new students: A copy of your baptism certificate must be requested from the parish the child was baptized and turned into rectory.

  • For new students only

  • For all students


  • For students entering grade 1 or new students: A copy of your baptism certificate must be requested from the parish the child was baptized and turned into rectory.

  • For new students only

  • For all students


  • Mother

  • Father


    If not previously entered, the email addresses and phone numbers below will be entered into Annunciation’s Flocknotes (PSR group) so that you will receive communications regarding PSR activities.


    If we cannot reach the primary/secondary phone:


  • Authorization for Safe Touch Program


    For marketing and publicity purposes, there may be times when Annunciation PSR wishes to use your and/or your child(ren)’s image, name, recording, or academic work in various media for marketing and/or publicity purposes. Our purpose for asking is to mainly use in the bulletin and on the website. As a parent, you may grant or deny authorization.

    I grant permission to use my or my child(ren)’s image, name, recording, or academic work in communications that include, but are not limited to, the parish bulletin, PSR newsletter, parish website, social media, PSR Buzz book, PSR Yearbook.


    I grant permission to use my or my child/ren's image, name recording or academic work in communications that include, but are not limited to,, St. Louis Review, Catholic St. Louis magazine, archdiocesan social media, and any publications (s) by agencies administered by the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

  • I grant permission to use my or my child/ren's image, name, recording, or academic work in websites, videos, and publications created by independent foundations and corporations that support Catholic education but are not legally connected to the Archdiocese of St. Louis, including, but not limited to, Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation, Roman Catholic Foundation of Eastern Missouri, Access Academics, English Tutoring Project, and United Way.

  • I grant permission to use my or my child/ren's image, name, recording, or academic work in secular media communications including, but not limited to, print, radio, TV and internet (Examples:  St. Louis Post-Dispatch, KMOX radio, and KSDK-TV).

  • By submitting this registration, I am granting permission for my child(ren) to attend Annunciation’s PSR program and receive instruction in the theology of the Catholic faith.

  • Early bird pricing (below) is now through July 20 (there will be a $50 increase in the listed tuition rates on July 21):
    1 child tuition: $225
    2 child tuition: $325
    3 child tuition: $400
    Fees per Grade Level are due at the time of registration, in addition to tuition:
    2nd Gr. Sacramental Material Fee: $40
    3rd Gr. Bible Material Fee: $40
    6th Gr. Bible Material Fee: $40
    8th Gr. Sacramental Material Fee: $60
    Private School Confirmation Preparation Registration Fee: $100
  • The link to pay registration and fees will be provided in the confirmation email that you will receive upon completion of this form.